The star has been catalogued by observers since at least the 2nd Century, when the ancient Greek astronomer Claudius Ptolemy included it in his treatise the Almagest. Epsilon Eridani continued to be part of influential astronomical catalogues throughout the centuries and throughout the world. It was included in works by Abd al-Rahman al-Sufi and other medieval astronomers of the Islamic Golden Age and in the 1603 star atlas published by Johann Bayer, a German celestial cartographer whose naming designations are still used today. |
The Color of the Stars from Hottest to Coldest by Anne Helmenstine. An overview of star colors/temperatures last updated May 2023 for Science Notes. Stellar Classifications National Schools' Observatory, Liverpool, UK. Orange Stars are Just Right For Life by David Shiga for NewScientist magazine, May 2009. NameExoWorlds Contest Results The National Astronomical Observatory of Japan New Star and Exoplanet Names Ok'd by IAU by J. Kelly Beatty for Sky & Telescope, December 2015. |