Stranded on an island surrounded by unknown seas, a group of teenagers fight to establish the first human colony on a distant planet.
"An engrossing tale about starting over on a faraway world ...
Our Verdict: GET IT" - Kirkus Reviews "We’ve enjoyed such series as Harry Potter, Twilight, and The Hunger Games; all young adult reads that crossed over into adult genres as well. Now we have Vermilion Sunrise."
- Chelsy Scherba for Reader Views "a standout in teen sci-fi reading" - D. Donovan, Sr. Reviewer, Midwest Book Review "The world in Vermilion Sunrise feels vivid, vast ... characters have exactly that: character. They smile, they laugh, they win, they struggle, and all of that is essential to build a story that is exciting and compelling." - Kevin Tanza for Book Nerdection "like a hybrid of The 100 and Maze Runner" - Chinazo Anozie for Readers' Favorite "There's a lot of excitement and adventure ... The author skillfully foreshadowed the revelations to come without showing her hand too heavily or making those moments feel like a foregone conclusion." - Millennial Book Review |